Crime dinner - Death in the villa

Crime dinner - Death in the villa

A family meets for dinner after a mysterious death. Uninvited guests, impromptu detectives, puzzles to solve, twists and turns. Will the other guests be able to look behind the family quarrels and the intrigues of the servants and find a solution to the mysteries of the villa where the Countess Costanza may have lost her life over a precious ring?

These are just some of the ingredients of "Death in the villa", the new murder mystery dinner by the Laives Filodrammatica, which will have our guests glued to their chairs and holding their breath as they are transformed into detectives for an evening to solve the case.

Meeting point:

Paulser Hof

Contact info:

Tourist Office Eppan
+39 047166220

This event requires registration:

Tourist Office Eppan, +39 047166220,

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