Marc Perin and Tobias Egger

Marc Perin and Tobias Egger

Tobias Egger, also known as "Barbarossa", presents his CD "Barbarossa". It contains original compositions with a wide variety of influences. Tobias draws his inspiration from folk music and artists such as John Butler, but also from rock bands. Kurt Oberhollenzer's drums and Stefan Pfattner's guitar can be heard on the CD.
Marc Perin presents his fingerstyle EP "Herbst", which contains 4 songs. He was inspired by a very low-tuned guitar from guitar makers Thomas Guitars and also by gypsy jazz as a musical style.
Together they also form the duo "Perin & Barbarossa", from which they will also play some songs.

Ticket: voluntary donation

Marc Perin & Tobias Egger

Meeting point:

Astra Bressanone

Contact info:

+39 0472 275577

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